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A few of these pictures are from Wonderboys, Pleasantville, and Ride With the Devil
More pictures are on the way! If you have pictures you'd like to see on my website, please email them to me @

Wonderboys (2000)
Tobey Maguire and Michael Douglas
Wonderboys (2000)
Tobey Maguire playing the troubled James Leer
Wonderboys (2000)
This is my favorite part of the movie. James (Tobey) is in the house of his professor's (Michael Douglas) wife's parents (that was a mouthful!) who has just left him. No one is home, so they break in. While James'professor is upstairs in his wife's old room having a moment, James is downstairs on the couch helping himself to quite a bit of their scotch, a joint, and singing along to an old TV show (one you'd see on Nick At Night). This scene shows when the professor's wife's parents return home to Tobey smoking up on their couch.
Pleasantville (1998)
Tobey playing Bud Parker
Pleasantville (1998)
Some of the cast of Pleasantville
Pleasantville (1998)
Tobey Maguire and Reese Witherspoon
Ride With The Devil (1999)
I've never seen this movie, so I can't really comment too much on this picture. But I can say I perfer Tobey with short hair. :)
